08/09 TH Index Report - end of June
PI Ref No PI Description Responsible Officer Lead Directorate Meas. In Actual 07/08 June Target June Actual 08/09 Target Aiming Traffic Light
Theme 1: One Tower Hamlets
Strategic101 Percentage of Undisputed Invoices Paid on Time Paul McDermott Resources % 87.87 97 85.63 97 High AMBER
Monthly Performance:   The extract of payments made during April 2008 outside the defined timescale has been analysed. This has revealed that none were as a consequence of delays caused by the payments team.
All managers and budget holders identified as being responsible for five or more instances late payments have been contacted individually. They were asked to ensure that the approval process for accurate invoices is undertaken as expediently as possible, and reminded of the consequence to this indicator of any delay.
The excercise will continue, and services who continue to have a seriously adverse impact will be brought to the attention of Corporate Directors.
Whilst this action is expected to improve the position, the target for this area is extremely challanging. The last financial year has seen the implementation of a more rigourous and robust recording of performance together with a revised definition of measurement making achievement of this target increasingly difficult.
Strategic102 Percentage of top 5% of earners of Local Authority staff that are women. Deb Clarke Resources % 52.71 50 51.39 50 High GREEN
Strategic103 The percentage of the top 5% of Local Authority staff who are from an ethnic minority. Deb Clarke Resources % 17.43 18 16.61 22 High AMBER
Monthly Performance:  Outcome lower than expected and trend moving in the wrong direction. However, change against last month is relatively small. Work continues to improve performance in this area including a further Aspiring Leaders course imminent and recruitment review continues. This is a drop a further of 1.5% which equates to 3.5 FTE. Staff numbers have dropped in line with transfer out of staff to THH.
Strategic104 Percentage of the top paid 5% of staff who have a disability (excluding those in maintained schools.) Deb Clarke Resources % 3.51 3.6 3.55 4.1 High AMBER
Monthly performance:  Although the outcome is below target, the indicator remains amber as the difference in actual FTE numbers is just one. The indicator is extremely sensitive to slight movement due to the small numbers within the population.  Links to Aspiring Leaders and Recruitment review with regards to current work in progress to improve the outcome of this indicator.

Strategic105 Number of working days/shifts lost to sickness absence per employee Deb Clarke Resources days 8.69 8.2 8.98 7.5 Low AMBER
Monthly Performance: Slight improvement in outcome for June but still well below target. Absence remains high priority and HR will continue to add further improvements to support managers in terms of reporting and absence management support 
Strategic106 Response time to members enquiries - % completed within 10 working days - Corporate Beverley McKenzie Chief Executive's % 70.06 85 69.16 85 High AMBER
Monthly Performance:   A total of 509 enquiries were closed, and 69.2% were responded to within the required time frames. This is an improvement over recent months. The performance is being addressed through the Members Enquiries Process Improvement Project. ME Guide has been prepared and distributed during the month of June and the performance target has been clearly defined. Concentrated efforts are being made with the directorates to affect immediate improvements.
Strategic107 Percentage of complaints completed in time - Council as a whole - Stage 1 Ruth Dowden Resources % 74 75 74 80 High AMBER
Monthly Performance:   Some overall improvement has been seen but a step change is still required in CLC (68%) and (THH 74%). Failure to meet the target appears to be an issue of prioritisation.
In both directorates, the services struggling most to achieve the target have been identified and  are being encouraged to prioritise complaint handling. Complaints handling is being regularly discussed in DMTs. Individual service improvement plans have been established and it is hoped that the performance will achieve the target over the coming months. 
Strategic109 Percent of calls to Hot Lines answered Keith Paulin Resources % N/A 95 95.2 95 High GREEN
Monthly Performance:  Target exceeded for June
Strategic110 Average waiting time for calls to Hot Lines to be answered Keith Paulin Resources Number N/A 30 30 30 Low GREEN
Monthly Performance: Target met in June
Strategic111 First contact resolution of calls to Hot Lines Keith Paulin Resources % N/A 80 83 80 High GREEN
Monthly Performance:  Target met or exceeded for April-June quarter
Theme 2: A Great Place to Live
Strategic202 Number of physical visits to public library premises per 1000 population Paul Martindill Communities, Localities & Culture number 9710.7 2,360 2,364.49 9438.9 High GREEN
(LAANI192/ National192)
Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting Heather Bonfield Communities, Localities & Culture % 13.73 15.4 14.73 19 High AMBER
Monthly Performance: The quantity of recyclate collected through the commingled service dipped sharply in June, dropping by 9% compared to May. The reason for this is unknown but is likely to be linked to consumption and lifestyle patterns rather than to service issues. Although residual waste was down as well, it only fell by 3%. In addition, waste diverted for recycling at Northumberland Wharf was 20 tonnes lower in June than in May. These factors combined to knock the recycling rate off target for Quarter 1. It is anticipated that the introduction of the garden waste and food waste collection services in Quarter 2 will bring the actual figure back in line with the target.
PI Ref No PI Description Responsible Officer Lead Directorate Meas. In Actual 07/08 June Target June Actual 08/09 Target Aiming Traffic Light
Theme 3: A Prosperous Community
(LAANI117/ National117)
16 to 18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) Mary Durkin Children's % 8.2 10.46 9.4 7 Low GREEN
Monthly Performance:  The NEET figures are seasonal and figures have to be compared with the same period last year in order to identify trends. The June 2008 of 9.4% compares to 12.3%  in June 2007, representing a significant improvement in reducing NEET by 2.9%.  In addition, the last three months results (April, May & June 08) indicate we are on track to meet the annual target.
(LAANI151/ National151)
Overall Employment rate (working-age) Sue Hinds Development & Renewal % N/A 54 56.4 54 High GREEN
Monthly Performance:   We're waiting for the Working Neighbourhood Fund programme to be agreed before targets are set for these indicators. In the meantime annual targets are used as a proxy for the monthly targets.
(LAANI152/ National152)
Working age people on out of work benefits Sue Hinds Development & Renewal % N/A 18.3 19.8 18.3 Low RED
Monthly Performance:   We're waiting for the Working Neighbourhood Fund programme to be agreed before targets are set for these indicators. In the meantime annual targets are used as a proxy for the monthly targets. The prime agency for meeting this target is Jobcentre plus. The Council has few resources to add interventions that may make a difference to national programmes. The allocation of the Working Neighbourhood Fund to provide additionally and assist national programmes to meet local need will help reduce the number on benefits. However, the target is to some extent out of the Council's control in view of issues such as housing, migration and the performance of national and regional economy.

(LAANI153/ National153)
Working age people claiming out of work benefits in the worst performing neighbourhoods Sue Hinds Development & Renewal % N/A 29 22.8 29 Low GREEN
Monthly Performance:   We're waiting for the Working Neighbourhood Fund programme to be agreed before targets are set for these indicators. In the meantime annual targets are used as a proxy for the monthly targets.
Strategic314 Number of under 16s who are active users of the Idea Stores and libraries Judith St John Communities, Localities & Culture number 16008 13,017 12,671 14405 High AMBER
Monthly Performance:   June actual is 97% of June target. However new management information system has highlighted the problem of retention of members. A meeting was held at the end of June for key members of staff working with children specifically to address this issue.
In the Autumn term there will be a focus on getting children and young people to engage more with the Idea Store service. Actions include:
* Children who became members during the Summer reading challenge will be tracked and invited to attend activities in the October half term and to participate in the new E newsletter and online gallery
* Children who became members during organised class visits will be tracked to see if they have made return visits. Staff will actively seek the views of these children by, e.g. encouraging teachers to make return trips with their classes and using the return visit as a focus group.
* Ask schools to invite parents / carers to class visits to Ideas Stores / libraries to ensure that the family is introduced to the service not just the child. (link with parental engagement team and Home school liaison workers in schools)
* Develop further web 2.0 (E newsletter and gallery) projects to allow children to actively engage and shape the service for children in Idea Stores / libraries
* Share successes between staff by improving communication between staff with responsibility for children's work in Idea Stores / libraries. A shared webpage – Wiki – has been set up for this purpose.
* Staff will be supported to help them engage with children more confidently throughout the day and not just in activities
PI Ref No PI Description Responsible Officer Lead Directorate Meas. In Actual 07/08 June Target June Actual 08/09 Target Aiming Traffic Light
Theme 4: A Safe and Supportive Community
(LAANI015/ National015)
Number of most serious violent crimes per 1,000 population Andy Bamber Communities, Localities & Culture Number N/A N/A 65 N/A Low BLANK
Monthly Performance:   Outturn of 08/09 will be used as baseline (New indicator). Annual and interim target setting will commence after this baseline established. However, the service will be reporting the figures during the year.
(LAANI016/ National016)
Number of serious acquisitive crimes per 1,000 population Andy Bamber Communities, Localities & Culture Number N/A 8.5 7.68 34 Low GREEN
(LAANI033i/ National033i)
Arson incidents - Number of deliberate primary fires per 10,000 population. Andy Bamber Communities, Localities & Culture Number N/A 3.06 3.01 12.22 Low GREEN
(LAANI033ii/ National033ii)
Number of deliberate secondary fires per 10,000 population. (Arson) Andy Bamber Communities, Localities & Culture Number 38 9.22 6.91 36.89 Low GREEN
(LAANI135/ National135)
Carers receiving needs assessment or review and a specific carer’s service, or advice and information John Goldup Communities, Localities & Culture %   20.9   20.9 High BLANK
Data not yet provided
Theme 5: A Healthy Community
(LAANI123/ National123)
Stopping smoking Alwen Williams (PCT) Adults, Health  Well-Being Number       1025 None  
Data not yet provided
AMBER 8 40.00%
GREEN 11 55.00%
RED 1 5.00%